miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008


Hola a todos y todas un año más. Esperamos seguir en contacto con vosotros durante este año y que nuestro “blog” continúe recibiendo noticias. No hemos podido contestar antes pero a partir de ahora iremos editando noticias sobre la vida en nuestra escuela.

IN ENGLISH, please.

After the summer, I started another school year and with a lot of information. This year we are starting the Bilingual Project in our “first year”. We will inform you about all the activities in the school. Now we are presenting the two grades in which the Bilingual Project starts:

1º Course in Primary Education.
3º Course in Primary Education

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

It is Christina in Oklahoma! I am so happy to see the pictures and hear about the first year after all our planning! I miss you all!